Saturday, December 29, 2007

bye bye 2o07....hello 20o8

yup people 2007 has come to an has been quite a challenging year 4 me....mentally(no ppl im not mental) and emotionally....basically it had all da mixtures lah dis year....

lets c.....rewind 364 days back....yah...31 dec 2006...when every1 was actually busy partying 4 da new year n having fun...i and some other really really
special ppl was wondering how the next day was gonna be...coz i got selected 4 PROGRAM LATIHAN KHIDMAT NEGARA....OR NATIONAL SERVICE or pLkN....or nS or wateva crap lah...yah i got selected 4 dis thing...i was kinda excited but nervous at da same time...coz new environment and new was like vomit lah...mixture of everything...ewww y i tot of vomit ar....ewwww

by the way

i had loadz and heapz of fun during my 3 months stay there.....while some students were working in 7-11...and some were job hunting and some who actually attend baking classes...ooh and not forgetting some of our unsung heroes who actually..basically...mentally..fizikally sat at home and did nothing....yah...nothing....

i was actually.....TTS-ing...rakit-ing...kawad-ing...n so many other -ing in da hot freaking sun....
ya people.... i actually looked like 1 of those MOKGOBJA.....u see around...but seriously it was really really fun actually.....oh ya n i also got to hold a M-16 weapon....omg .....dat was da best of da whole 3 months.....oh ya and i am a good points were 74/100.....dat was good actually ppl....some couldn't aim da bulls eye oso....get 0 /100 some more....huh..!! tak malu punya orang !!!! haha

nyways there was also da bitter part....on 17 feb 2007....wc was jz 1 week from my b'day...(ya my b'day is on 24 FeB....(*smiles innocently*))....ya so bk 2 17 name was called through da speaker asking me 2 melapor to da pejabat...ya then my whole family was there....
they came 2 bring me home coz my uncle passed away.....1 of my favorite uncle...who is a die hard fan of liverpool....he died of pneumonia....and he was only 54...still young rite...??

ya then later my whole 3 mths were over....damn sad wei...i had uncountable i was alwiz the frendly 1 and miss.p0puLar...hehe...(prasan giler) sedih 2 leave them and go back....wahhhh....i cried till da whole kem banjir....hehe

nyways da next day was da d-Day 4 all da very pandai punye 2006 sPm students....10 or 11 mArch(me not sure)...went to collect results....waahhhh i cry some more....da whole kajang became banjir.....i got 2 A'S..amd 7B'S ony....but thank god i dint get any C'S or D's....damn cantik wei my result slip...AA....BBBBBBB

but suprisingly....Mr.Ragunathan was kinda satisfied wit da results....Mrs.RAgu was boiling hot...
started lah all da nagging...(dat flers daughters got 7A's...dis flers son got 5A's)..but seriously do u think i,Miss.Rathi Nathan,da great, care about dis ppl...c'mon lah...LIVE LIFE..!!!hehe then in a quick decision v made up da mind 2 come to MMU,MeLAKA....coz cannot be expecting gov. uni's whether u get 7A'S or 10A's...still wont get place want....they got all dis quota crap thingy.....

so ya 9 jUnE 2007 i enrolled myself in MMU,Melaka.....ok so da nxt 1/2 year....i'll post 2 moro....
very hungry rd...going eat...i shall eat tosai...yum yum..bubbye...!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


friday the 14 was kinda fun the morning there was some drama in da klas... mdm maiza is much friendlier now.....i think she is pregnant coz normally when people are pregnant they became extra nice....she actually made azlan..(da chipsmore of the klas) sit with her on her table 2 complete her was kinda cute actually coz it use 2 happen in school only....

then it was gpl klas...that was more i entered klas i heard mR.hasbola wishing 'selamat hari raya haji' 2 da muslim dudes and klas we jz sign our attendance and we walked out...dat was da best gpl klas i had dis whole sem...hehe

then me and shad walked back home....we had a lot of stuffs 2 talk sice they have been some huge gap between us we walked back 2 ixora....and sat at the lobby and talked stories about hw ppl have changed and i realized that i prefered 1st sem than this sem...and i also managed 2 complete my intro 2 law homework while listening to stories....oh ya and shad bought for me ice cream...hehe dank Q......

some people are just to stupid to realize that they are actually dumb and they dont fit 2 call people fake and stuffs....come on la..u r here 2 study and make frens and enjoy life..not fight for some gal and go around threatening people u wanna 'bantai' them and stuff...immature doinks!!!
face it lah..if the gal does not like u...its either coz of ur character or ur face not the people around her...haiyo...guys can be sooooo stupid sometimes...!! some only ah...!!

oh ya so later at 7.30pm we took a taxi and went to jusco....the movie was at 10.15pm and it was only 8.00pm...oh ya i bought new heels~la actually..its gold and,and i look taller...yay..!!then we lepak around jusco...ppl were grabbing stuffs since it was year end was like morning market onlu in GIORDANO coz t-shirts were running from ppl were din't wanna miss da chance....then we went 2 johny's and shad had dinner while i ate 'water chestnut'..its a kinda dessert but it was nice....

so by 10pm we went to the theater to watch the movie....irshad bought marshmellows and 'blow pops'..haha..blow pops is a kinda chewing gum where u can blow it then pop its called blow pop...but da name is kinda funny rite....blow pops..haha....

the movie was about princess giselle who accindentally falls inti the real world and falls in love with a real human beign....but i kinda din't like da part where she actually gets da rats and lipas to help her clean the house....ewwww... freaking disgusting man...!!! rats washing toilet bowls and lipas washing bath tubs and talking much of fairy tale actually...oh ya n too much of happily ever after songs....but it was oklah.

so then after the movie we walked back home since the taxi guy was askng 4 12 bucks..!!! while walking all the way we got a lot of honks from the cars...dont know wats their problem...??? maybe coz a HINDRAF gal and a malay guy walking...??? nyways we had loadz of fun....!!!
10x a lot twin it was fun..da next time we should tag along would be more fun...!!!

nyways good nite need to go and sleep...zzzzzzzz

*enchanted the movie*

*the dumb prince edward*

*princess gisele*

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i saw this survey in sarah's blog n shad did dis i thought of trying it since im like soo freaking it goes....

Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do the survey.









9.amirul (izzat)













1. How did you meet 14(vemala).... ?

we met coz we got da same house....03A-o6....unfortunately...hahaha she looked damn innocent wei....but da mouth means cannot close one...but kesianlah...since she's like da youngest v bully her 2 da max...haha

2. What would you do if you had never met no.1(kushealan).....?

i dono...he's my brother....n i miss him a lot now....anne...!!!! i wanna come back...!!!

3. What would you do if 20(mano) and 9(izzat) dated you...?

well juz 4 da info mano is a girl and she's my her would be fun actually....we can go nuts sometimes...miss u mano:(...and no.9....hmmmm no comments.....hehe

4. Would 6(jeffrey) or 17(valene) make a good couple....?

maybe....ya they would look good 2gether....xcept 4 val dat she is a bit short but height is not a matter rite..??? hehe

5. Describe no3 (adiba)

deebs....!!! she is da nicest n richest malay gal i've ever seen....u belanja me when u have da belanjaring mood....she let me watch tv when i go 2 her hse...and she has good taste in fashion n guys...hehe...rmbr our list last sem.??

6. Do you think no 8(varuna) is attractive?

ewwww.....grosss...he is like a walking sexaholic machine....sorry hard feelings...but he is handsome...according to himlah..and some creatures who dont know him...haha

7. Tell me something about no 7(ara)

first thing i think about dis guy....he's tall...really tall...very very tall....6 feet tall..ya dats it hes tall and dats y i dont like 2 stand beside him...hehe

8. Do you know anything about no 12's(theshee) family?

her brother's name is sathish and he supports arsenal....yeh..!! arsenal rocks.!!

9. What is no 8's(varuna) favourite....?


10. What would you do if 11(dasha) confess that he/she likes you?

hahahahahahahahaha(she wil die when she hears diz...btw..its me dasha typin wats in diz bracket..cause im sittin beside her) bluek....soriiiii...

11. What language does 15 (angeline) speak....? bit of filipino coz her mom is a filipino...miss u gal..:)

12. Who is 9(izzat) going out with...?

mark rosaidy...mahendran naidu...??? (dasha here buggin her as she blogs... r u guys gay o sumthin?)(woi they r bff's la...sorry guys dis gal is nuts..!!.rathi here)

13. How old is 16(zamri) now......?

20 or 21....yah he's old and i like him...hahaha

14. When was the last time you talked to 13(mogana).... ?

a few minutes ago...she was telling me something about kama sutra.....ewwwwww *regrets*( sha here agn...ew,,,,, rathi when 2 u center 2 buy.....hehehehe..ask neesha wat she bought... dats y la rathi like k.sutra all)(no dats freaking not true..!!..rathi here)

15. Who is no2's(shad) favourite singer...?

singer...?? but band is spice girls...he actually made a website about them...he is obsessed with them...singer...siti nurhaliza izzit..???

16. Would you date no 4 (Adiba).....?

ya n we can go shopping...!!!
(oi doink datela...not who u wanna shop wif...sha here)

17. Would you date 7(ara) ?

he's too tall....really tall(does dat ... mean u would..since ppl say opposites attract =he tal u short...hahaha)

18. Is 15(angeline) single...?

rite now im not's complicated TM

19. What's 10's(cindy) last name.....? lee...i know yap....or tan...hehe

20. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11(dasha) ?

hahahahahahahaha..y izzit dasha alwiz...!!!(dasha here... i noe u have a huge crush on me .. dub lie... u always curicuri usha me i noe...)(like ewww i dont usha gals ok...dats ur work..btw its rathi here)

21. What school does 3(adiba) go to....?

u3...or she goes 2 law skool in mmu

22. Where does 6(jeffrey) live...?
melaka...somewhr near bkt.beruang...rite..??

23. What's your favourite thing about no 5 (nesha)...?

her ass....(dashas answer..i help rathi....rathi's ass flat...haha)

oh ya survey is over...n i pass my moral exam...yay..!!! SWEAR i did not study....n irshad u were so mean 2 naufal dis morning...but it was fun haha..:)

*signing out*

Saturday, December 8, 2007

im bored....!!!!


today is 8 dec 2007 n the time is 8.12pm.....lalalala

im bored.....!!!!


Friday, December 7, 2007

yay exams over...!!!

oooppss i forgot...

its only the mid-term rite...!!!!

aaarrrgghh i hate exams...!!!

*signing out*

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the last breath.....

ok so as usual i woke up at freking 6.45 in the morning(urgkh..!! hate that) to get ready for my intro 2 law klas...tutorial which was suppose 2 be 1 hour but my lecturer was not feeling well so she let us out like a freaking 1/2 hour was kinda fun also since we were let out early....

so then me, shad, deebs n naufal decided to go for breakfast...naufal was so freaking desperate 4 tom yam at 8.30 in the we walked all the way 2 rnr and then realized that the shop was close....dude it was like so freaking 8.30 in the morning..!!!ok so we went to da great 'habeeb sultan' n had we sat there and as usual we were talking crap....irshad has join some usrah thingy where the president is the very great 'M'... so i know u guys will rock da club..i'll support...i guess....hehe

so then all of a sudden some topic came up and we decided 2 watch a i mean they decided 2 watch movie....i did not want 2 go...swear ppl...since i was broke and i have my 'favourite' and 'important' pendidikan moral kLas at 1pm(urgkh n aaarrrggghhh)

oh ya speaking about moral klas, our very dear moral lecturer..wats his name ah..?? hmmmm
ok currently i actually forgot my lecturer's seriously ppl i actually 4got his name...ok so this dude made us watch some freaking lame movie about some freaking iranian boy who loses his sister's shoes and try's hard 2 get his sister da shoe coz da father cannot afford 1...ok fine u loose ur sisters shoes n ur dad cant afford but seriously ppl i dont c da connection with moral....n i had a freaking intro 2 law xm dat night n i was actually freaking sitting and watching dis movie....oh god..!!!

ok so back 2 our habeeb discussion...somehow i was hypnotized by my wonderful frens...hehe (no hard feelings ar u guys loadz) and i oso followed them for the movie...we went by taxi 2 MBO and so we decided 2 watch enchanted since it was da 'talk of the town' but then we saw a movie poster of a group of ppl sitting and posing 4 da camera but some of their faces had blood and it kinda looked we made up our mind 2 watch dat movie...

so da movie was at 12.15 but it was only we wandered around dat place 4 1/2 hour sitting on the floor camwhoring and watching da trailer of da new movies dat was coming soon...

so then we went in at 12.10 and it was freaking cold and pitch dark...seriously i couldn't see was really dark....rite ppl..???nyways there was only 8 ppl in da box...that particular box theater...n it was damn really really the movie started and the begining of da movie i did not understand anything....coz it was a chinese movie so obviously i could't understand a single crap...basically i did not understand da whole movie but it was scarylah....

there was 3 parts in da movie dat i understood....
#1...there was a surgeon who actually 'did it' with a mayat....
#2...there was a 8 or 9 year old kid who wanted to do 'it' with da stepfather
#3...some man who was hanging around wit da wife's spirit but in d end of da movie it was actualy da husband who was dead and da wife was lepaking wit da husband's spirit actually... yah something like dat....

so basically da movie was scary but i did not understand da movie xcept 4 dat 3 main dis is wat happens when u watch a movie that da language cannot understand with no sari kata...
da moral of da story is do not cut ur moral klas n go watch some movie that u cannot understand
*signing out*

Saturday, December 1, 2007


ok ok....i have lost intrest in blogging..maybe once in a while i will blog...i have a very important exam 2moro...intro 2 law....but im actually sitting here and blogging and watching mR.roMeo...
just had my lunch...i realize im eating alot im not gonna eat 4rm 2moro onwards... i guess...hehe

i wanna go shopping....but im so broke...i need money..i wanna work but where 2 work...??
anyone wanna give me any job....anything oso long as i get $.....hehe thers a job vacancy in da stationary shop near wimirie....maybe i'll think about that...oh ya speaking about $....i need 2 buy duty setem...4 da ptptn thingy....they are coming nxt last da whole ptptn thingy is loan is approved.....wc means $....but none 4 me lah coz da $ will go 4 da tuition fees....
waaaaa.....*sob*sob* i need $.....

ok enough of money business.....yesterday night i watched tara rum pum....its a hindi movie.... its about a racer who meets in accident and loses everything in life...($$$$) and then there will be keretakan rumah tangga...but in d end every1 lives happily ever after...nice saif ali khan is soooooo freakin hot in dis movie....(ooohhhh his body) and rani mukherjee was gorgeous as usual.....

and i also watched om shanti om d other day....its about reincarnation + revenge=om shanti om
intro of new heroin but she did a very good job...her name is deepika padukone...weird rite..??
but i kinda like da name deepika...maybe i'll name my daughter dat.....and shah rukh khan has really worked out 4 dis movie....six pack man....but i dont like dis guy...i still think salman and saif ali khan is da best....

ok enough of bollywood...last friday i went 2 temple and prayed 4 every1....people are looking at me weirdly coz im going 2 temple....ok ppl im not some india murtad or india just some normal indian girl who dont like 2 be too indian n not be indian at all...did that make sense.....??

nyways got 2 go now....i have 2 study 4 intro...literal rule,mischief rule, golden rule and puposive approach....see i have been studying...hehe

bubbyezzz.........!!!!!!!!!!!bh6 pack...he has been working out
*signing out*